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Home Learning

Keeping Skills Sharp! 


Count to 100 and back 

Count in 2, 5, 10's 

add and subraction


Mrs Burgess Phonics videos


Take part in Oxfordshire Library's Summer Reading Challenge


Have a bedtime story 


Hello Mums, Dads and Year 1 Children, 


We know that different parents would like different levels of help and support with learning at home.  Firstly, there is no pressure - did you know how much learning happens through play and independent activities?  Please don't feel guilty if you don't 'home-school' your child for 5 full days a week - it's not possible, whilst trying to work yourselves full time at home.



Children - please remember our school values, which still apply at home:


  • Ready (to do as you've been asked)
  • Respectful (towards your mum, dad, brothers and sisters)
  • Responsible (when you're asked to do some learning or activity on your own, show your family how grown up and sensible you can be - they will be impressed, I promise!)


We would LOVE to see photos of you all at home.  If you send them to then we can add them to our class photos for you all to see!


For those who would like a structure we have suggested a couple of timetables below, but these are merely a suggestion.  You need to create your own routines to survive at home.



Suggested Timetable (half-day)


Get active

Try Joe Wicks live PE sessions at 9am on youtube each day!

Literacy or Maths

Phonics then a worksheet or two from your home learning pack




eg. cooking, art, model making, construction, geography

Tablet time

Try some online activities from our 'Learning at home' page



Suggested Timetable (full-day)


Get active

Try Joe Wicks live PE sessions at 9am youtube each day!


Phonics then a worksheet or two from your home learning pack




Times table practice, then a worksheet or two from your home learning pack




eg. cooking, drawing, painting, making a model, outdoor PE, geography


Try some online activities from our 'Learning at home' page




Reading to an adult or Independent



If you find anything too difficult, don’t worry! Just have a go. Mummy and Daddy might be able to change it slightly to make it a little easier (or harder if you fancy a challenge). By looking at online resources and videos to help as well.


Keep happy and healthy,


Mrs Burgess and Mrs Clough

