School Logo

Key Information

Welcome to Year 4's class page! 

Here is some key information: 


Teacher: Ms Gillion 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Rowley, Mrs Lawrence and Mrs Campbell


Weekly routines: 

Monday: Homework due in

Wednesday: Homework sent out

Tuesday and Thursday: P.E kit needed in school 


This year we are working in blocked topics, rather than having a theme for each half term. Therefore, your child may be doing 2 weeks at a time of the same subject each afternoon, e.g. science. This will mean they can get fully involved and immersed in the subject. There are still some standalone subjects that will happen weekly/twice weekly such as languages, P.E, computing, R.E and PHSE. 


If you have a query please email our year 4 email:

Please bear in mind it may take up to 48 hours for a response whilst we are busy teaching, therefore if it is an urgent matter (e.g. being picked up early for the doctors etc.) please contact the school office instead. 


We are really looking forward to working with you this year! 


Welcome meeting powerpoint

Useful links
