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Remote learning

We recognise that every home and family looks different, and is going through its own challenging time during the pandemic.  Therefore, we want to make teaching and learning at home as easy as possible, by guiding you through remote learning with a range of lessons and activities that are accessible to all pupils.  These can be completed at your own pace throughout each day.


On your child's class page you will find daily planning with lessons linking to some of the most well-known and best rated websites for learning, including Oak National Academy, BBC Bitesize and White Rose Learning.  


Please look at the additional online resources below, which may be useful and please remember to check out our 'Phonics Sounds Videos', 'Books to read' and 'Stories Videos' pages too:

The link to your child's class page can be found here:

Further information about how to help your child leanr at home can be found here:
