We would also like children to focus on reading. Please encourage your child to read regularly. The children complete their own reading records in school. We will be giving out Dojo points for each completed page in their reading record book.
Children change their books using the in class book selection as well as the school Library.
Each week your child will have a list of words that will come home at the start of every term in the front of their yellow reading records. These words will also be set on SpellingFrame and will be tested on a Thursday.
Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS)
TTRS will help your child to practice their times tables. This has been set to the certain times tables. These are the most important tables that your child must learn as they help your child complete formal method quickly as well as apply to their fraction knowledge when finding common denominators or simplifying fractions.
The passwords and logins can also be found in the classroom as well as written in the front of your childs yellow reading record.