Reading will be your daily homework. Please read regularly with your child at a time that suits you both. We expect Reading Record books to be in school daily so that we can check on your child’s progress and change books. We will be giving out Dojo points for each completed page in their reading record book.
We will aim to change your child’s phonic and book banded books on a Friday.
We also hope to start using the School Library soon. Please keep all books in their book bags so that we can exchange them.
Each week your child will have a list of words that will come home on a Wednesday. These words are matched to the weekly phonics lessons and will also contain high frequency words. The spelling words will also be set on SpellingFrame and will be tested on a Tuesday.
Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS)
New to Year 2 this year and will help your child to practice their times tables. This has been set to the 10, 2 and 5 times tables. These are the most important tables that your child must learn by the end of year 2.
As the year progresses 3 and 4 times tables will also be added.
We will complete a times table test once a week on Friday to practice their knowledge.
The passwords and logins for your child can be found stuck inside your child’s Reading Record book.
We expect your child to be practising their spellings and timetables 3-5 times a week. They do not have to use the apps, you could easily ask your child to chant a times table as they travel to school in the morning or go up and down stairs. Counting small objects in 2s (e.g. sweets, marbles, football cards, 2p coins) or in 5s and 10s. These are easy and quick ways to add them in daily without your child noticing!