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Key Information

Welcome back!


Please note that PE days are Tuesday and Thursday this term. 


If you need to get in touch with me urgently, please contact Siobhan in the office.  Otherwise, please catch me in the playground after school, or contact me via the class email address:


Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Miss Mockler

Autumn Term 1 and 2

We are learning about Forces, Ancient Greece and Space. We will also be participating in Swimming every Thursday in Term 2. 


Our Wow Days and Trips this term are: 

  • KS2 Carols Service


Spring Term 3 and 4

We are learning about our Extreme Earth and Crime and Punishment.  We will also be learning about the making of bread and creating our own delicious samples. 


Our Wow Days and Trips this term are:

  • Bread Making Day
  • A morning with James Deacon to discuss our Extreme Earth.


Summer Term 5 and 6

We are learning about Human Changes within Science.  We will also be creating our own storybooks within Design and Technology. 


Our Wow Days and Trips this term are:

  • Viking and Anglo Saxon dress up day
  • Art Day
  • Opera Trip