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We will not be setting specific weekly homework this academic year. However, we ask that you support your child at home with the following: 



Your child will receive some spellings to practise each week. The spelling words will vary between government statutory spellings list, spelling rules, and incorrect words retrieved from lessons. Every child's spelling frame login is in the reading record. If you are having any problems, do let your class teacher know. 



Year 4 are expected to read daily at home. This can be independently if fluent, with a parent or indeed a mixture of both. Where appropriate children will continue to use colour banded books. If a child is fluent and confident with reading they will use ‘free reading’ books from the class resources or school library. Teachers will monitor choices to ensure the books chosen are at a suitable level.



Children also have access to ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ to help them practise their timetables. 


We believe that little and often is much more effective than a huge amount of practice in one sitting. Therefore, where possible a small amount each evening is best. 


Multiplication check 
