- We teach whole class discrete phonics lessons daily from Nursery to Year 2
- Anima Phonics is our chosen scheme of work. It covers the planning, teaching and assessment of phonics
- All classes consistently use the same language and vocabulary from Nursery to Year 2
- We use consistent visual aids to help support children’s learning of phonics from Nursery to Year 2.
- Worksheets from Anima Phonics are sent home and support parents to teach phonics
- Teachers assess at the start and end of year and at the end of each unit
- Teachers make informal assessments during each lesson
- We use our assessments to highlight the lowest 20% and offer extra phonics interventions alongside the daily teaching
- Our Year 3 teachers assess at the beginning of the year to highlight any gaps that might still be present, and if found phonics learning is implemented as needed
- Reading books are aligned to the GPCs being taught and/or known GPCs
- The school has a phonics lead who closely monitors progress by:
- Regularly checking assessment grids and interventions
- Regularly conducting learning walks