Key Information
Term 3 weekly timetable
Welcome to the Year 1 class page
Welcome back!
If you need to get in touch with me urgently, please contact Siobhan in the office. Otherwise, please catch me in the playground, or contact me via the class email address:
Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mrs Tricklebank
P.E. will take place on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Please ensure that full P.E. kit, including appropriate footwear, comes into school on a Monday.
Autumn Term 1 and 2
This term, we are looking forward to getting to know each other and settling into our new routines. We will spend lots of time learning the classroom rules and making sure everyone feels happy and safe. You can help your child at home by reminding them about being kind and showing our three Rs:
- Ready
- Respectful
- Responsible
The children will earn individual and class Dojo points and house points for showing these school values.
Topics this term:
Science - materials.
History - 1066 and The Battle of Hastings.
DT- planning, building and evaluating houses.
Talk for Writing (TfW) and literacy
This term we will be:
- Learning and retelling the story 'How to Catch a Star' and 'Rapunzel'.
- Retelling verbally, with actions, using story maps and drama.
- Talking about settings.
- Learning new vocabulary from the story.
- Reading other stories that compliment this.
- Writing setting descriptions.
We will be:
- Revising numbers to 10.
- Counting forwards and backwards.
- Finding one more or one less.
- Adding and subtracting within 10.
Forest School
Forest school will take place on Tuesday afternoons. Please ensure children have warm clothes, waterproofs and wellies, particularly as the weather gets wetter and colder.
🐥Spring Term 3 and 4🐥
We will be starting our Library sessions on Tuesday afternoons! We are looking forward to exploring our library and finding exciting new books to read.
In Geography we will learn about Our Local area, looking at differences between a village and a town, and finally building our own village to show our adults!
In History, we will be learning about Nurturing Nurses through time and getting to know people around us that help us. We will be welcoming a few visitors linked to this topic: a scientist, a paramedic, a police officer, the fire brigade.
In French, we will continue with numbers to 10 and learning colours.
'The spy car 2000' is our TfW text this term and it is so much fun! Watch out for the adults in year 1 turning into spies!
In PE, we will have Hockey outdoors with Ignite on Thursday afternoon. make sure the children have extra warm layers!
There are no planned trips for this term but we will have a Science filled day and World Book Day to look forward to.📖📚
☀️Summer Term 5 & 6☀️
We will begin the term investigating how plants grow, while growing our own seeds. Our science topic will continue with animals and humans. Then we will finish with a trip to a local environmental park. 🦋🐞🪲