School Logo

Key Information

Key Dates:

Lots of important events happening over next few months.

13th June - Class Photos

24th June - 27th June - Residential to Marlow

1st-5th July Bikeability

3rd July Sports Day

17th July Year 6 Production (6pm)

18th July Year 6 Award Evening (6pm)

19th July End of Year Church service - 9.30am

Year 6 Production Songs


Lumpy Custard

Sat's Week Timetable 2024


SummerTerm 2024


Welcome back!


Please note that PE days are Monday and Friday this term. Monday - Athletics Friday- Rounders


If you need to get in touch with me urgently, please contact Siobhan in the office.  Otherwise, please catch me in the playground after school, or contact me via the class email address:


Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mrs Warner

Welcome Letter and Timetable

Autumn Term 1 Timetable
