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Autumn Term 1 & 2

This term, we will be settling the children in and getting to know them. They will be learning the school routines and classroom rules, ensuring each child feels happy and safe. Our topic is ‘Magical Me’ and we will get to know the children and what makes them special. We will talk about their families and that families are made up of different family members.


Children love exploring the natural environment and what better way to do this than to experience the changing seasons first hand! We will be noticing the shorter days, the crispness in the air and await the falling leaves.


We will celebrate Halloween and the lessons it can offer the children such as kindness, creativity and imagination.


In term 2 we will begin our first Talk for Writing story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. The children will follow the family’s excitement as they act out the story and visit the different places until they return home and hide under a large blanket, exhausted but exhilarated. We will read other stories that compliment this story such as ‘Can’t You Sleep Little Bear?’ and focus on woodlands, nocturnal animals and hibernation.


We will spend time looking at road safety and how to make their journeys safer. We will also experience the excitement of Bonfire night, Diwali – not forgetting Christmas at the end of term.


Spring Term 3 & 4


We will begin to look at different countries in the world and recognise some differences between life in this country and life in other countries. We will explore the Polar regions and learn about polar bears, penguins and their habitats.


Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man! Our Talk for Writing story this term, a chance for the children to take on a character role in their play and show their ability to outrun each other and the adults. We will become chefs and fill the Nursery with the smell of gingerbread men baking in the oven and in our mud kitchen. Yum! You can’t really blame the fox!


We will celebrate different festivals throughout the New Year such as Lunar New Year, Shrove Tuesday and St Valentine’s Day where children will learn about loving one another and relationships.


We will be exploring growing by planting our own seeds in the classroom as well as in the Nursery Garden. In this topic the children will learn how to care for plants to help them grow. The children will learn the different parts of a plant. We will explore the changes in the seasons and observe new plant life such as daffodils and crocuses.


Out Talk for Writing story will be The Little red Hen which will teach us to work together and be kind to each other. We will look at her farm and the animals she may see. I am sure we will want to help The Little Red Hen to make and bake some bread and so we will! We will learn about wheat, where it comes from and how it gets turned into flour. We will listen and follow instructions carefully and knead the dough before the best part, tasting the bread. Yummy!


We will be enjoying lots of Easter activities in the last week of the spring term. We will talk about how Easter is celebrated, and the children will get the opportunity to get creative with Easter crafts.


Summer term 5 & 6


Our topic this term is Zoo animals and the jungle, and we will share fiction and nonfiction books that offer an insight into contrasting environments. Our Talk for writing story is Dear Zoo and we will try to find out information about each animal. Where does it live? What does it eat? What does a zookeeper need to look after it and the role of a vet.


In the children’s final term of Nursey, we hope to enjoy warmer days and spend more time outdoors ‘In the Garden’. During this topic, we will develop the children’s engagement in learning through finding out about minibeasts and their life cycles. The children will learn to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things.


Our final Talk for writing story is The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and we will hopefully watch our own caterpillars grow and change into beautiful butterflies. The Very Hungry Caterpillar eats many foods on his journey to become a butterfly. We will talk about the children’s journey and develop their awareness of foods that will help them to grow healthy and strong. We will also learn about oral health.


We will finish our term by exploring our topic of ‘An Underwater Adventure’ through a number of stories which will include ‘Shark in the Park’, ‘The Storm Whale’ and ‘The Odd Fish’ to name but a few. Our role play will be transformed into a beach and seaside with its own ice cream shop where I am sure that the children will develop a wide range of skills without even realising.
