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Welcome to the Nursery class page

Term 1

This term, we will be settling the children in and getting to know them. We will be learning all about families, pets, likes and dislikes. 


We are supporting the children to build firm friendships as a class and modelling kind behaviour, turn taking etc. You can help your child at home by reminding them to use:

  • Kind hands
  • kind words
  • walking feet
  • inside voices
  • listening first time, every time
  • ready for learning
  • Care for each other and our toys


Talk for Writing (TfW) and literacy

This will be started in term 2.



We will be learning to:

  • Count accurately to 5 and beyond
  • subitise numbers to 3 (recognising an amount without counting - for example, spots on a dice, shapes of numicon, shapes of numberblocks)
  • Use 1:1 correspondence when counting objects and actions
  • understanding the oneness of 1 and the twoness of two etc.



We will be learning to:

  • Tune into sounds all around us
  • Explore making different sounds
  • Hear all the initial sounds in words
  • Using Anima Phonics to learn the sounds of the letters