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Term 6

We hope to enjoy some warmer weather this term and to move a lot of our learning outside. The children will be learning about minibeasts and growing plants as well as enjoying our new Talk for Writing book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.



Term 5

This term, we are looking forward to lots of exciting activities and opportunities for learning. The term starts with a focus on our Talk for Writing book, Dear Zoo and the animals in the story. We will learn about jungle animals through lots of other books and songs.

While our new children settle, we will have a break from our Forest School sessions at Frogmore but hope to start these as soon as possible. We will let you know when we are able to visit again.



The children have built some firm friendships as a class and are particularly kind and considerate to each other. You can help your child at home by reminding them to use:

  • Kind hands
  • kind words
  • walking feet
  • inside voices
  • listening first time, every time
  • ready for leaning
  • respect each other and our toys


Talk for Writing (TfW) and literacy

This term we will be reading the story, Dear Zoo, in more depth and learning to retell the story. We will send home story maps later in the term to help your child retell the story to you. Some of the text will be shortened and we will share this with you as well.



We will be learning to:

  • Count accurately to 5
  • subitise numbers to 3 (recognising an amount without counting - for example, spots on a dice, shapes of numicon, shapes of numberblocks)
  • Use 1:1 correspondence when counting objects and actions
  • understanding the oneness of 1 and the twoness of two etc.



We will be learning to:

  • Tune into sounds all around us
  • Explore making different sounds
  • Hear all the initial sounds in words
  • Oral segment and blend using robot talk, for example cat becomes c_a_t (your child does not need to be able to recognise letters or words to do this, they just need to be able to hear the sounds)