Gaining Fluency (Y2 - Y4)
Supporting reading in Year 2 (age 6-7)
Your child is probably moving from a reader of words and sentences to a reader of books. Over the course of this year, you will probably see your child learning some of the more unusual spelling patterns and an ever-increasing list of both tricky words and common words. Your child is on their way to being a fluent reader with growing comprehension skills.
Keep reading every day
Read to your child
Choose a wide range of books
Talk about books, stories, words and pictures
Don't be afraid to re-read
Keep practising phonics
OXFORD OWL is an amazing source for READING TIPS, ACTIVITIES AND A FREE E-LIBRARY! Click the link to find help for reading at home in Year 2:
Supporting reading in Year 3 (Age 7-8)
By Year 3 your child will hopefully be on the way to becoming a confident, independent reader. Many children who have got to grips with phonics and word-reading will shift their focus onto comprehension. Your child’s relationship with books will begin to change as they can now read for pleasure – fiction and non-fiction – or to find information they need.
Listen to your child read
Encourage reading for pleasure – and don’t judge!
Keep reading to your child
Listen to audiobooks
Don't give up!
Talk about books, stories, words and pictures
Use pictures to discuss stories
OXFORD OWL is an amazing source for READING TIPS, ACTIVITIES AND A FREE E-LIBRARY! Click the link to find help for reading at home in Year 3:
Supporting reading in Year 4 (Age 8-9)
In Year 4 your child will be developing into an increasingly fluent reader. The focus will now be on building comprehension, but it is still important that children use their phonics skills to tackle new words.
Listen to your child reading and read to your child
Listen to audiobooks
Value your child's choices
Open up the world of reading
Make a word bookmark
Read for a purpose
Don't give up
OXFORD OWL is an amazing source for READING TIPS, ACTIVITIES AND A FREE E-LIBRARY! Click the link to find help for reading at home in Year 4: