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Key Information

Year 2 (24-25)


Teaching Staff

Mrs Soper  Tues-Fri

Mrs Campbell  Mon

Mrs Fry  Mon-Fri

Mrd Lawrence  Tues pm & Thus pm

Mrs Gibbons  Mon, Wed & Thurs am

Mrs I’Bell  Tues, Wed pm, Thus pm & Fri

🍁Welcome to the Autumn Term🍁


This half term we will be focused on learning about animals in Science, which ties in with our Talk for Writing story ‘The Enormous Crocodile.’ 🐊  We will then move onto writing and creating ‘Potions.’πŸ§ͺ In term 2, we learn all about ‘The Great Fire of London’ in History πŸ”₯ and we will have Forest School on a Tuesday afternoon.


Our PE days are on Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a named navy PE kit in school that can stay in your child’s locker.


On a Monday Mrs Campbell will be teaching ‘All around the World’ in Geography and she will cover Music later in the term for our Nativity production.


Homework - Reading 

There will be no weekly homework set, instead we would like you to focus on reading. Please read regularly with your child at a time that suits your family. We expect Reading Record books to be in school daily, so we can check on your child’s progress and change books. We will be giving out Dojo points for each completed page in their reading record book.


We will aim to change your child’s phonic book on a Tuesday and book banded books on a Friday. We also hope to start using the School Library soon. Please keep all books in their book bags so that we can exchange them.



Each week your child will have a list of words that will come home on a Wednesday. These words will also be set on SpellingFrame and will be tested on a Tuesday.


Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS)

New to Year 2 this year and will help your child to practice their times tables. This has been set to the 10, 2 and 5 times tables. These are the most important tables that your child must learn by the end of year 2.

You will have received a Parent Letter on how to use this program inside your welcome packs.

The passwords and logins can also be found inside your child’s Reading Record book.


We are all excited to be back in school and can’t wait to get started on our new topics.


The Year 2 Team 😊




β˜€οΈWelcome to the Summer Termβ˜€οΈ


This term is full of fun packed learning and activities!


We will begin the term investigating how plants grow, while growing our own seeds and creating a small garden. In geography we will learn how to use maps. πŸͺ΄πŸ—ΊοΈ


PE will be all about ball skills on a Monday & Tuesday afternoon. Please do not forget to bring a suitable navy PE kit for both inside and outside lessons. This includes a navy T-Shirt, Shorts & Joggers. Trainers will also be needed. ⚽️🎾


Next half term we will complete ‘Stick transformation’ in Art where we will create people, animals and houses from sticks and other natural objects. Then we will finish with our last Science topic studying mini beasts with a trip back to the wonderful Sutton Courtenay. πŸ¦‹πŸπŸž


We hope you enjoy this term.

Team Year 2 😁

Happy New Year - 2024


We hope your children have had a restful Christmas holiday and are now ready to start the Spring Term.


We will begin the New Year with learning about the Battle of Chalgrove, with a walk planned to find the monument and the battleground. We will create family crests and move on to creating expressive arts with acrylic paints.


In Literacy we will be learning an old Chinese story, finding out more about China and the Chinese New Year on 10th February - the year of the Dragon.


Our topic for this term will be 'How Things Work' where we will cover Materials in Science and making moving vehicles in DT. The children will also be learning to program in ICT using beebots.


PE until half term will be Hockey outside on Tuesdays with the Ignite team and Gymnastics on a Friday. Your child will need both an outdoor and indoor kit.


There are no planned trips for this term as we are walking around Chalgrove to the Monument and having Science activities brought into school instead. We will be looking at booking a trip in the summer term.


There are also plenty of fun days to look forward to this term with World Book Day coming up on 7th March.


Team Year 2

Year 2 Spring Timetable

πŸβ˜€οΈWelcome back to Year 2! β˜€οΈπŸ


This Autumn term we will be starting with our topic ‘There’s no place like home.’ The children will learn all about Chalgrove, we will go for walks around the village to visit local landmarks and look at the history of the village. πŸ”” β›ͺ️

After half term we will then study ‘The Great Fire of London.’ We are also hoping to have a visit from the Fire Service - tbc πŸš’πŸ”₯


PE will be on a Tuesday with Mrs Fraser and on a Thursday with Mrs Soper. Please make sure you keep your PE kit in school all week so you are ready for both lessons. A navy blue t-shirt and shorts are required for both sessions and trainers for a Tuesday please.


Forest School will take place on a Tuesday after half term. Your child will need to come into school that day wearing suitable outdoor clothing - trousers/joggers, long sleeved t-shirt, jumper and a coat appropriate for the weather on the day. Wellies are also preferred as they keep our feet dry. 🌳🌿


Team Year 2



Year 2 Class Autumn Timetable
