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Key Information

🌟Welcome to the Year 2 class page🌟


Please note that PE days are Thursday and Friday (Hockey & Gymnastics) this term. πŸ‘πŸ€Έ


If you need to get in touch with me urgently, please contact Siobhan in the office.  Otherwise, please catch me in the playground after school, or contact me via the class email address:


Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mrs Soper

PE  πŸ€βš½οΈπŸ₯Ž

PE kit - Navy blue T-shirt, shorts, joggers and school jumper or fleece

Forest School - Long sleeved top & bottoms, wellies, waterproof coat & trousers, hat & gloves in Winter. 🌲🌳


Term 1 - Yoga & OAA

Term 2 - Dance & Forest School

Term 3 - Hockey & Gymnastics

Term 4 - Fitness & Sending and Receiving 

Term 5 - Ball Skills & Net and Wall games

Term 6 - Striking and Fielding games & Athletics


Class Timetable

Parents Phonics Information

🍁Autumn Term 1 & 2🍁


This term will begin with finding out about the world around us, learning about animals in Science, followed by studying ‘The Great Fire of London.’ πŸš’ πŸ”₯


Forest School will take place on a Tuesday in Term 2. Your child will need to come into school that day wearing suitable outdoor clothing - trousers/joggers, long sleeved t-shirt, jumper and a coat appropriate for the weather on the day. Wellies are also preferred as they keep our feet dry. 🌳🌿

πŸ₯Spring Term 3 and 4πŸ₯


In Geography we will learn all about China which will tie in with our Literacy; learning an old Chinese fable. We will find out more about China and the Chinese New Year on 29th January - the year of the Snake.🐍 


In History we will be finding out about Significant Explorers from across the world. We will cover Materials in Science and making moving vehicles in DT. The children will also be learning to program beebots in ICT. Then move on to creating expressive arts with acrylic paints.


There are no planned trips for this term but we will have a Science filled day and World Book Day to look forward to.πŸ“–πŸ“š

β˜€οΈSummer Term 5 & 6β˜€οΈ


We will begin the term investigating how plants grow, while growing our own seeds and creating a small garden. In geography we will learn how to use maps. πŸͺ΄πŸ—ΊοΈ


In term 6 we will complete ‘Stick transformation’ in Art where we will create people, animals and houses from sticks and other natural objects. Then we will finish with our last Science topic studying mini beasts with a trip to a local environmental park. πŸ¦‹πŸžπŸͺ²





