Parent/Carer Involvement
Parent/Carer Involvement
As a parent or carer you are automatically part of our Friends Of Chalgrove School (FOCS) PTA. Your involvement in school is extremely valuable and we are grateful to you all for the way in which you contribute, large or small it makes a huge difference.
If you have some time and would be interested in doing more then please send an email to or talk a member of staff in the playground.
There are lots of ways you can work with us;
- becoming a volunteer reading helper
- volunteer to help at our fundraing events, please look at the Friends tab
- come along to our termly meeting
- joining the focus group – a small group of parents who provide feedback and ideas
- being part of a ½ day working party to make resources
- being a gardening friend
- coming in to talk to a class about a hobby, sport or occupation.