As a school we use SpellingFrame to help children learn their spelling rules. Children have been given unique login details for Spelling Frame (these can be found in the homework book). New spellings are uploaded each week to follow the spelling rule we are learning in class.
Pupils can choose to practise a set of words, take a test, or play a game with those words. If they choose to practise they will see and hear the word broken down into syllables and will then be given a series of activities to help them to memorise the spelling. The activities develop increasing independence. If a student then spells the word correctly they move on to the next word. If they make a mistake they repeat the process to help them to learn the word. If a student chooses to be tested they receive instant feedback. If they make a mistake they are shown the correct spelling and given a series of activities to help them to remember.
Spelling Frame should work on all devices. If you have any difficulties accessing the activities please let me know. Pupils should be able to access their accounts independently.