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Welcome to the Reception class page


Please find all the information for the term ahead.


Term 6

How have we reached the final term already?! We are looking forward to some more sunshine and learning outside.


This term, we will continue to have P.E. on a Monday and Forest School on a Friday. Please can the children come dressed in their P.E. kits on a Monday. Please can the children come in dressed in their forest school clothes on a Friday. As always, please can the children have a pair of wellies and waterproofs in school at all times as we love to explore outside in all weathers. Thanks.


As always the children will be working together as a class, building relationships and showing kind and considerate behaviour towards their classmates. We will spend lots of time learning the classroom rules and making sure everyone feels happy and safe. You can help your children at home by using the same language as us:

  • Kind hands
  • kind words
  • walking feet
  • inside voices
  • listening first time, every time
  • ready for leaning
  • respect each other and our toys
  • choose it, use it, put it back

We will use our class dojos and house points to reward the children when they are demonstrating positive behaviour. 


Topics this term:


We will look at:

  • Minibeasts we can find outside
  • Life cycles - in particular the lifecycle of a butterfly, a bee, a frog



We will look at:

  • Beaches
  • ocean creatures
  • sand/sand castles
  • pirates
  • floating and sinking


Celebrations this term:

  • The King's official birthday (15th June)
  • Father's day (16th June)


Talk for Writing (TfW) and literacy

This term we will be:

  • Learning and re-telling the story 'The Bad Tempered Ladybird'
  • The children will: re-tell verbally, with actions, using story maps, small world and role play.
  • Talk about characters (main character - The bad tempered ladybird, other characters - bee, stag beetle, praying mantis, delightful ladybird ) and settings (castle) and think of ways to describe them.
  • Learn new vocabulary from the story such as abundance, vibrant, striking.
  • Read other stories that compliment this story, for example stories set in similar places or stories about different minibeasts.
  • Read information texts about minibeasts and life cycles.
  • Learning a new rhyme/poem each week



We will be learning to:

  • Count accurately to 10 and back
  • subitise numbers to 6 (recognising an amount without counting - for example, spots on a dice, shapes of numicon, shapes of numberblocks)
  • Use 1:1 correspondence when counting objects and actions
  • understanding the oneness of 1 and the twoness of two etc.
  • Using fives and tens frames to count (see attachment below).
  • Exploring numbers 11-20.
  • Exploring odds and evens to 10.
  • Exploring doubles to 5.
  • Counting beyond 20 and begin to recognise similar patterns.
  • Simple addition and subtraction.
  • Recognising 2-D and 3-D shapes.
  • Looking at mass, capacity, length, height and time and the different types of vocabulary we might use. For example, long, longer, longest.




We will be learning to:

  • Tune into sounds all around us
  • Explore making different sounds
  • Hear all the sounds in words
  • Oral segment and blend using robot talk, for example cat becomes c_a_t (your child does not need to be able to recognise letters or words to do this, they just need to be able to hear the sounds)
  • Begin to use newly learnt sounds in reading and writing
  • Read and write simple sentences that can be read by others
  • Remembering some rainbow words
  • Knowing at least 10 digraphs



We will begin to do some mindfulness and yoga as it helps to focus your child's minds and help them with their physical development.

Rainbow Relaxation: Mindfulness for Children

Enjoy this breathing activity! Made to put a smile on your face and relax you.
