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Weekly Update

13th July Weekly Update

Hello Year 3!


It's the last week of term! I wanted to tell you all how proud I am of you and how brilliantly you have all done this year. We've had an amazing year together and I've loved every minute of it. Thank you everyone for the wonderful time we've all had together.


On to the activities for this week then. If you visit the link below, you will find a number of different Iron Age videos and activities you can have a go at. Don't forget to send me your pictures!


Have a great week Year 3.


Mr Benham

6th July


Good Morning Year 3


It was so good seeing so many of you last week, and I'm super excited for this week too.

have just noticed that last week's update didn't upload, so I'm sorry about that! I'll have to make sure you get double the work this week!


Here are a couple of things you can be getting on with this week:


1 - Create a map and write some instructions for finding some treasure. The main thing I would like you to focus on here is using right-angle turns e.g. turn a right-angle left. How many right-angles do you have to turn to face the way you started?


2 - Create a fact sheet/poster about Boudicca, Warrior Queen of the Celts. You will have to do some research to find out some bits about her.


And that's it! I hope you all have an incredible week and I'll look forward to seeing most of you in class.


Mr Benham

Monday 22nd June


Good morning!


Only one week left until we are able to come back to school. I am so excited to see you again! It's also looking like it's going to be very warm and sunny, so make sure you try and get outside and enjoy the lovely weather.


This week, we are going to carry on thinking about our History. We have looked at lots of Stone age activities and some Iron Age. I wonder whether you can create a timeline for our ancient history. Can you put some key things onto your timeline? When the stone age start and end? The Bronze age? The Iron age?


I would also like you to think about how things have changed since then. Can you take a picture of somewhere near where you live, and then draw what you imagine that place would have looked like in the Stone age or Iron age. Maybe nothing would have changed, maybe it would look completely different, it will depend on what is in your picture.


Lastly, can you do some research on what kind of clothes people in ancient Britain wore. Maybe you could even dress up as someone from our History. Don't forget to email me your pictures!


Have a fantastic week and I'll look forward to seeing those children that are coming back into school next week!


Mr Benham

Monday 15th June


Good morning Year 3!


As we are teaching and moving towards opening school for all children, from today we will be amalgamating our daily updates into one weekly update.  This update will be available to read each Monday and will include a range of suggested activities that you can do throughout the week with your child.  All other home learning, including weekly planning, remains the same and can be found on our home learning page.  If you still have not requested a paper pack, and would like one, please get in touch.


Last week we spent some time learning a little about the Stone Age. This week we're going to have a little think about the Iron Age and the Celts.

What can you find out about them?


Why don't you have a go at making a Celtic shield this week. You could use the internet to find out what they looked like and the patterns they used. I have included some ideas here too.

You could also find out about Hillforts. What were they? What were they for? Maybe you could have a go at making one out of lego, or painting one.

I hope you all have an absolutely brilliant week. Make sure you remember to send me any pictures of the things you get up to


Mr Benham

Friday 12th June


Good Morning!


I hope you're all having an excellent week.


Today, try to find a challenge that you missed out on by going through older videos. You could also have another go at a challenge you particularly enjoyed!


Enjoy your day Year 3!


Mr Benham

Thursday 11th June

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Wednesday 10th June

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The Sandman and the Turtles part 8

Tuesday 9th June

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The Sandman and the Turtles part 7

Monday 8th June

The Sandman and the Turtles part 6

Friday 5th June

The Sandman and the Turtles part 5

Thursday 4th June

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The Sandman and the Turtles part 4

Wednesday 3rd June

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The Sandman and the Turtles part 3

Tuesday 2nd June

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Answers for the riddles before Half Term

The Sandman and the Turtles part 2

Monday 1st June

Good Morning my wonderful Year 3s.


I hope you all had a lovely half term. I spent most of mine in the garden enjoying the sun.


Below you will see that I have started a story that I will be reading a bit of every day. Do take a listen as I will be setting some challenges to do with different parts.


But for today your challenge is to come up with a list of your top 10 things to do while you have been at home in this time. Maybe you could even include some pictures of you doing those things. I will create a class list of our top things to do at home after that to share with the rest of our class.


Hope you have a brilliant day,


Mr Benham

The Sandman and the Turtles Part 1

Friday 22nd May

Still image for this video

Thursday 21st May

Still image for this video

Wednesday 20th May

Still image for this video

Don't forget to send your pictures to

Tuesday 19th May

Answers to our class quiz last week!

Monday 18th May


Good morning Year 3!


I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and managed to spend some time outside. The weather is supposed to fairly nice for the next few days, so make sure you get lots of sun and exercise while you can!


Today's challenge is one that a couple of you have already done. I would like you to use some rubbish or lego or anything you can to build an Ancient Mayan Temple. I have included a picture below. You can also see one that William made in the 'Misc' section of our class photos at the bottom of the gallery page. Notice that their temples looked like pyramids but with great big steps.


I hope you all have a brilliant day,

Mr Benham

Friday 15th May


The interview with our Mayan warrior didn't go exactly as planned! Though I did manage to get answers to lots of your questions.


Have a brilliant day!


Mr Benham

Thursday 14th March

Still image for this video

Year 3 Quiz!

Wednesday 13th May


Good morning my fantastic Year 3s!


I hope you are all well today, it seems like it might be a nice day, if a little chilly.


Thank you Annie for sending me your drumming video! But I need a lot more of them if we want to make a class video together so please do send them in!


Now, I have some very exciting news. On Friday we are going to have a very special guest for our daily update. You see, I have discovered something incredible. Are you ready?



...I have invented a time machine.


I KNOW! Isn't that amazing?!


So, I am going to get an ancient Mayan warrior to appear so that we can interview him and ask some questions about his life. That means for your challenge today, I would like you to come up with some interview questions for me to ask our guest!


I hope you all have a fab day!

-Mr Benham

12th May Daily Update

Monday 11th May


Good morning Year 3!


I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to join in with the VE day celebrations. I would love to see pictures of anything you got up to: making cakes, bunting, flags etc. So make sure you get those sent into


I managed to spend a lot of the weekend outside doing some gardening which I thoroughly enjoyed. It also reminded me of a science experiment we didn't get to have a go at in the Spring term. We also have a few more Mayan challenges to have a go at this week before moving on.


Today's challenge then: I would like you to try and grow something. Growing beans is a great choice, you can see the growth very well, particularly if you plant a bean in a clear plastic cup and place the bean against the edge of the cup in some soil. If you don't have or can't get a bean to grow, you could try some cress, a potato, the top of an onion or carrot etc.


To make this even more interesting, you could grow 2 or 3 in different places. Try and grow your extras in places where they won't get something you think they might need e.g. place one plant in a dark cupboard, or don't water one. 


This challenge is a slower one, but if you take photos every day or so, it would be fantastic to be able to see how it grows a bit at a time!


I hope you all have a brilliant day and I promise I will do a video tomorrow.


-Mr Benham

Thursday 7th May


Good morning Year 3!


It is a bank holiday tomorrow to celebrate VE (Victory in Europe) Day.  This refers to the end of World War Two.  There are plenty of celebrations planned to mark this anniversary over the weekend.

There is going to be a 2-minute silence at 11 am, and a VE day livestream at 11.15 on BBC if you wish to see. At 3pm you could also undertake the ‘Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of WW2’ by standing up and raise a glass of refreshment of choice and undertake the following ‘Toast’ – “To those who gave so much, we thank you,” using this opportunity to pay tribute to the many millions at home and abroad that gave so much to ensure we all enjoy and share the freedom we have today. 9pm includes a singalong! Have a look at this website for more information.

The Royal British Legion has suggestions (including ration recipes – which sound interesting):

The recording on this page will get you thinking about World War Two:

as will listening to Winston Churchill’s famous speech on VE day:

Whatever you do, have fun, and please send us any photos you would like to share of your celebrations to

Wednesday 6th May

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Weaving on a cardboard loom

Tuesday 5th May

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I'm not sure why these have gone so dark, but if you scroll down just over halfway on the website below, they are much clearer. Good luck!

Monday 4th May

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Friday 1st May

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Thursday 30th April

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Wednesday 29th April


Good Morning Year 3!


I'm afraid there's no video today as I always seem to run out of time the mornings I go into school!

However, there are some particularly interesting challenges coming up over the next couple of days, so stay posted!


Thank you SO much for everyone's pictures yesterday, I will put these up and respond to emails today.


On to today's challenge: I want you to come up with some quiz questions about the Ancient Mayans. This might mean you have to do some research. I will pick some of the best questions and put together a quiz for everyone to have a go at!


Hope you have a fantastic day!


Mr Benham

Tuesday 28th April

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Monday 27th April

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Friday 24th April

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Thank you everyone for all your Mary Anning pieces you did yesterday! I was blown away. Particularly by Toby's HUGE poster full of interesting facts about her. I've uploaded all your work to our gallery, so make sure you have a look at everyone's hard work.


Now, Mrs Fraser has read a fantastic book for us and today's challenge will be based on Tyrannosaurus Drip. I want you to draw/paint/make a dinosaur and then write a short rhyming verse describing it.

Example: Julia Donaldson described the tyrannosaurus like this


Now across the rushing river

on the hill the other side

lived a mean tyrannosaurus

and his green and grisly bride


Have a brilliant day!

Thursday 23rd April

Still image for this video
Parents, I will be calling most of you today just for a quick check-in. It will be from an anonymous number so please pick up! -Mr Benham

Wednesday 22nd April Daily Update

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Tuesday 21st April

Monday 20th April

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To our Chalgrove family...

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P.S: This video was taken before social distancing, don't worry!

Friday 3rd April

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Thursday 2nd April

Still image for this video

Wednesday 1st April

Good morning Year 3!


Thank you so much for all the pictures still coming in! It makes my day a little brighter looking through them, so please please keep sending in some of the things you're getting up to!


Today's challenge: try and find somewhere different or strange or unusual to go and read your favourite book (a little like our extreme reading!)

Tuesday 31st March

Still image for this video
Don't forget to send pictures to
EDIT: I thought we could do a Kahoot quiz online, but we can't! Sorry, I'll think of something else for tomorrow.
Mr. Benham

Monday 30th March


Good Morning Year 3!


I'm afraid there's no video today as it's my turn to be in school. I will make sure I do one for tomorrow!


I've just seen the skeletons you made, they're fantastic! The classroom feels very strange without you all there. I'm thinking of you all and missing our class terribly!


Anyway, on to today's challenge:


I want you to try and come up with some kind of science magic trick (you might need to do some research for this, the ones we did in class I found through a quick google). You can find lots online, there's quite a few you can do with balloons i believe. 


As always, send pictures and videos to


I hope you have a fantastic day!


Mr B.

Friday 27th March

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Thursday 26th March

Still image for this video

Daily Question:

Would you rather be a giant or the size of a mouse? Why?


Daily Challenge:

Make a mask and take a photo of that person doing something unusual. Try and include a caption or some speech for a bonus challenge!

Wednesday 25th March

March 25th Daily update 2.wmv

Still image for this video


Daily question:

If elephants ruled the world, what changes would you see?


Daily challenge:

Write a recipe and instructions to bake some cookies





