Remote Learning
Term 4 Week 5 - W/C - 28th March 2022
Term 4 Week 2 - W/C 7th March 2022
Term 4 Week 1 - W/C 28th February 2022
Term 3 Week 7 - W/C 14th February 2022
Term 3 Week - W/C 7th February 2022
Term 3 Week 5 - W/C 31st January 2022
Term 3 Week 4 - w/c 24th January
Term 3 Week 3 - w/c 17th January
Term 3 Week 2 - w/c 10th January
- Y4 Term 3 Week 2 - Remote Learning Weekly Plan.pdf
- ture words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- ture words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- ture words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- ture words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
Term 2 Week 7 - w/b 13th December
Term 2 Week 6 - w/b 6th December
- Y4 Term 2 Week 6 - Remote Learning Weekly Plan.pdf
- t2-e-307-discussion-texts-checklist-_ver_2.pdf
- Discussion - Boxing up sheet girl.pdf
- Discussion - Boxing up sheet boy.pdf
- Sentence Signposts.pdf
- Christmas words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- Christmas words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- Christmas words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- Christmas words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
Term 2 Week 5 - w/b 29th November
- Y4 Term 2 Week 5 - Remote Learning Weekly Plan.pdf
- Monday - Boxing up sheet.docx
- Non - Negotiables.pdf
- dis words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- dis words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- dis words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- dis words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
Term 2 Week 4 - w/b 22nd November
- Y4 Term 2 Week 4 - Remote Learning Weekly Plan.pdf
- un words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- un words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- un words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- un words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
Term 2 Week 3 - w/b 15th November
- Y4 Term 2 Week 3 - Remote Learning Weekly Plan.pdf
- The Tunnel - Mixed up paras.docx
- The Tunnel Comprehension.docx
- im words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- im words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- im words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- im words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
Term 2 Week 2 - w/b 8th November
- Y4 Term 2 Week 2 - Remote Learning Weekly Plan.pdf
- Herding Sheep - Speech ppt.ppt
- The Tunnel Powerpoint1.ppt
- il words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- il words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- il words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- il words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
Term 2 Week 1 - w/b 2nd November
- Y4 Term 2 Week 1 - Remote Learning Weekly Plan.pdf
- in words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- in words - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- in words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- in words - 4 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
Term 1 Week 8 - w/b 18th October
- Y4 Term 1 Week 8 - Remote Learning Weekly Plan.pdf
- Mastery Subtraction challenge.pdf
- Year-4-Addition-and-Subtraction assessment.pdf
- fr adv - 10 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- fr adv - 10 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- fr adv - 5 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
Term 1 Week 7 - w/b 11th October
- Y4 Term 1 Week 7 - Remote Learning Weekly Plan.pdf
- fr adv - 5 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- fr adv - 10 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- fr adv - 10 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- PSHE and Citizenship - Year 4 Think Positive - Lesson Presentation.ppt
- PSHE and Citizenship - Year 4 Think Positive - Happiness Is Poem Activity.pdf
Term 1 Week 5 - w/b 27th September
- Y4 Term 1 Week 5 - Remote Learning Weekly Plan.pdf
- 1st October - Place Value Maths Assessment
- Boxing up sheet.pdf
- Boxing up sheet.docx
- hom2 - 6 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- hom2 - 10 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc
- hom2 - 10 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
Term 1 Week 4 - w/b 20th September
- Y4 Term 1 Week 4 - Remote Learning Weekly Plan.pdf
- Talk for Writing - The Canal text.pdf
- spelling-strategies.pdf
- handwriting-alphabet.pdf
- Non - Negotiables.pdf
- Topic - Latitude and Longitude.pdf
- homophones1 - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check.doc
- homophones1 - 8 words - look-say-cover-write-and-check - left handers.doc