Key Information
Year 4: Welcome to the Summer Term (Term 5 & 6) 2022
Please find the Weekly timetable, Spelling overview and Homework expectations below. This term we will be doing PE on a Wednesday and Thursday. (both outdoor sessions weather permitting Cricket/Rounders and Athletics).
Homework will commence on Wednesday 27th May. Homework will be sent out on a Wednesday and should be returned the following Monday. We will continue using Times Table Rockstars; usernames and passwords should be in the front of reading records, for easy reference. We have been using Spelling Frame this term and will be monitoring the amount the class access this resource. To see if their attainment in spelling shows an improvement during the Spring and Summer term. Your usernames and passwords have been stuck into your homework books.
Reading records must be handed in every morning, where pupils will receive a dojo for every complete page filled in their reading record books.
If you have any problems, please do email us on and we will endeavour to get back to you ASAP.