Weekly Updates
Week 7 - Week Commencing 13.07.20
Hi Year 4,
We have so much to be thankful for and are so grateful to be part of such a kind and caring school community. Thank you for all of your support during these difficult times. You have all worked so hard and it is very strange to think that we are at the end of the academic year. Thank you for being a fantastic year group! As well as taking on the extra challenge of learning at home.
On Friday 17th July we will have a final zoom goodbye meeting, where we hope to wish you all a great summer.
This week we have three tasks to look at.
Task 1.
Activity ideas:-
- Write a thank you to our NHS for all of their hard work.
- Can you research the NHS? Look at https://www.lhch.nhs.uk/media/5967/nhs70-facts.pdf
- Find out what NHS stands for and when it started.
- How many people work for the NHS?
- Who can get treated by the NHS?
- Who was the first patient treated by the NHS?
- What advice does the NHS give to stay fit and healthy? Look at https://www.nhs.uk/change4life/activities
Task 2 - Transition to Year 5
Please visit the Transition pages for Year 5 to see what next year will be like. You will find photos of your classroom, a video from Mr Benham and an activity to complete. Just click here to see https://www.chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk/year-5-5/
Task 3 - How far can your Paper Aeroplane fly?
We hope you enjoy this week's activities!
from the Year 4 Team.
Monday 6th July
Hi Year 4,
We are setting you two tasks this week, which hopefully can include some writing, drawing, photos, etc to go along with it. Maybe we could start our own sharing / recommendations section on the Year 4 Photos page this week.
Task 1 – Have you read this?
We love hearing about books that other people have enjoyed and would love to know what you have been reading. Can you share a book with the class that you have really liked reading over the time we have spent in lockdown?
Task 2 – Baking
We have all been cooking a bit more during lockdown. Is there anything you have helped make at home? Could you share your recipe with the class? Below the School video is the Victoria Sponge recipe that Mrs Hayes showed.
Please send your Book Recommendations and Recipes to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Mrs Hayes’ - Victoria Sponge
2 x 7 or 8 inch round sponge tins. I put round discs of greaseproof paper in the bases to stop it sticking. All the quantities for the cake are based on how much the eggs weigh.
Firstly weigh the 3 eggs - med approx 180g / large approx 200g
Caster sugar - same weight as the eggs.
Either - Stork / Bertolli / Clover - same weight as the eggs.
3 eggs
Self- raising flour - same weight as the eggs
1tspn Baking powder
1 tspn vanilla essence or extract.
Buttercream Filling
100g Butter - room temperature
200g Icing sugar - sifted
1 tspn Vanilla essence
(Strawberry jam -or other flavours! - around half a jar)
Method for sponge cake
1. Weigh out the sugar and margarine into a bowl, cream/mix together with a fork until soft.
2. Add one egg at a time, mix each in with a fork until smooth (ideally no lumps!).
3. Sift the flour and baking powder, half at a time, and fold in (gently).
4. Finally add the vanilla essence or extract and mix gently.
5. You can now split the mixture between two cake tins.
6. Place on the middle shelf - Oven 160 degrees Celsius (Fan) for 20-25mins.
8. Should be browned on the top but firm to touch when it comes out.
9. Cover loosely with a tea towel and place on a wire rack to cool.
Method for the buttercream filling.
While the cake is baking you can start on the filling.
Using an electric hand whisk soften the butter
Gradually add spoonfuls of icing sugar until it is smooth.
Finally add the vanilla essence and whisk.
When the cake is cool. Peel off the greaseproof paper from the cake that you would like to be the bottom!
Turn it upside down so that you can smooth the buttercream carefully onto a flat surface.
Spread the jam on the top of the buttercream
Peel off the greaseproof on the top of your sponge and place carefully on top.
Enjoy eating your Victoria sponge cake!
Monday 29th June
Hi Year 4,
I've set you some tasks this week as some may not take too long so try to spend some time on them all if possible.
Task 1 - Year 4 Memories.
The time is speeding away with us this academic year due to lockdown. Could you look back on your year in Year 4 and think back to all of the things you have enjoyed this year?
There is a sheet above that you can either type or write on to help giving you with some reminders of the things we have done.
Task 2 – Photography.
How do you see the world? Grab a camera, take some photos, and share your vision.
- Find out how to use a camera to take a good photograph.
- Take 10 or more photos and show these to an adult or email your favourites to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk.
- Why do you like these photos? What made you take them?
- Make something using photos you have taken. You could make a: card, calendar, poster, scrapbook, slideshow.
Task 3 - Book Recommendations.
We love hearing about good books. Over your time at home you may have had some time to read some. Could you write a book recommendation about a book you have enjoyed and tell us what you have liked about it? Send them to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Looking forward to see some of you soon.
The Year 4 team.
Monday 22nd June
Hello Year 4!
There is only one week to go until we are able to go back to school! We are getting very excited about seeing you, but we will really miss those of you who won’t make it back this year.
This week, we are looking at a Science topic that we would have covered this term on
Please remember that electricity is quite dangerous so be careful. If you doing anything practical make sure you have adult supervision.
Watch this video on electricity
Here are some activity ideas: -
- There is lots of great information about Electricity on this webpage https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-is-electricity even making your own circuit using playdough.
- Can you read through the powerpoint on Electricity?
- There is a sheet (below) to complete on ‘Exciting Electricity’.
- Can you write a list of items in your home that use electricity, batteries or both? (There is also a sheet below if it helps)
- Complete the ‘Spot the fault’ sheet (below).
- Can you create 'Static Electricity'? Take a photo and send it in for us to see.
- Remember to stay safe finding out about Electricity. Why is it so dangerous?
- Can you draw a poster about the dangers of Electricity?
- What is a conductor and insulator in electricity? Can you find out more about conductors and insulators?
It has been lovely receiving so many of your Haunted House stories this week. If you would like to send any of your work in for us to see (remember it does not have to go on the website, and we will always reply). The email is year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
from The Year 4 Team.
Monday 15th June
Good morning Year 4! We are so excited that we can welcome some of you back at school in a couple of weeks time :)
As we are teaching and moving towards opening school for all children, from today we will be amalgamating our daily updates into one weekly update. This update will be available to read each Monday and will include a range of suggested activities that you can do throughout the week with your child. All other home learning, including weekly planning, remains the same and can be found on our home learning page. If you still have not requested a paper pack, and would like one, please get in touch.
So this week -
As we have spent the last two weeks learning a 'Warning tale' about the canal. This week we would like you to plan and write your own story using the same kind of warning theme.
However we would like you to change the setting from a canal to the haunted house like the picture below.
The structure of a warning tale follows a pattern:-
Introduction | The main characters are warned not to do something. |
Build up | They do it anyway but one might be reluctant like Tiree. |
Problem / Dilemma | Something goes wrong. One might get free and go for help. |
Resolution | They are rescued or one saves the other one. |
Ending | They are told off. Characters consider the consequences of their actions. Have they been taught a lesson? Have their characters changed? |
Plan out your characters and story before you write it up. You could do a bit each day but remember to proofread and edit your writing before you write or type it up in neat.
The Haunted house
You can look back at any of the videos below to remind you of the story structure.
We hope you enjoy this activity.
The Year 4 team.
Friday 12th June
Hi Year 4,
Thank you so much with all your work and support with actions for the storymap this week. It really has been fantastic reading and replying to all of your work.
Today you have two videos. One is for the actions that go with paragraph 6 (great ideas:- Daniel, Ed and Cameron - Nala and Dolly too!). The second video is the complete version of the storymap with all of the actions. Have a go!
Activity ideas:-
- Practice the complete story with actions. Can you teach it to someone else?
- Complete the comprehension questions above to see if you understand the whole story.
- Draw a cartoon strip of the whole story (there is a blank template above if you think that may help).
- Take a look at all of the work you have been sending in on the Class Photo page https://www.chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk/learning-at-home-2/
- Email anymore of your work to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Have a fantastic day!
Mrs Hayes.
Thursday 11th June
Hi Year 4,
I hope you like the actions for paragraph 5. I have not yet received any actions for the last paragraph so I will teach you those on Friday before the full run through.
Activity ideas:-
- We are nearly there with all the actions for the whole story. Send in your written ideas or videos for the last paragraph's actions so that we can learn and practice the whole story tomorrow.
- I have written out some of your conversations between Tom and Tiree, which you have sent in. However I’ve made some mistakes with my typing. Can you please help me by correcting them?
- Can you think of an alternative (different) ending to the story? Try to keep it happy! I'd love to read your ideas.
- Send in your work to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Enjoy you learning today Year 4.
Mrs Hayes
Wednesday 10th June
Hi Year 4,
I hope you are ready for the last paragraph of The Canal. Well here it is!
Activity ideas:-
- You’ve got to the end of the story! Draw your own storymap for paragraph 6 and try to think of the last few actions to go along with it.
- Write the conversation that Tom and Tiree had with Mrs Mac explaining what happened. Remember to use speech marks.
- Do you think being grounded for a week is a good punishment. If you were Mrs Mac what do you think you would have done?
- Send in your work to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Enjoy your day!
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team
Tuesday 9th June
Hi Year 4,
Thank you for so many emails yesterday. We had lots of actions and work completed. It is so lovely to hear from you and reply to your emails. I have made you two videos for today. One with the actions for paragraph 4 and one with the new paragraph 5. I hope you like them!
Activity ideas:-
- Tom jumped into the canal. Can you give reasons for and against doing that?
- Would you have jumped in too? Why?
- Tiree was lucky to have been saved by Tom. What do you think he will say to Tom once he has recovered.
- Could you draw a cartoon strip of the big events that happened in paragraph 4 and 5?
- Draw out paragraph 5 as a storymap to help you learn it.
- We would love to receive any action idea sheets (above) or videos for paragraph 5.
Thank you so much for all your hard work Year 4
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Monday 8th June
Hi Year 4,
Hope you had a lovely weekend. As promised there is a full recap of the first 3 paragraphs with actions. There is also paragraph 4 for to watch and learn. Hope you enjoy it!
Activity ideas:-
- Did your predictions come true about what would happen next in the story? There are still two paragraphs, can you predict what could happen next?
- Draw out your version of the storymap.
- Think of some of your own actions to go along with paragraph 4 and send them in for us to use.
- Practice remembering the storymap, This could be by teaching someone else the story so far.
Have a great day Year 4.
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Friday 5th June
Dear Year 4,
I can't believe we've got to Friday of our first week back already. I hope you are enjoying our work on The Canal. Here's today's video with the actions for paragraph 3.
Activity idea:-
- Make sure you know some of these words / phrase meanings, by looking them up in a dictionary or on an online dictionary – playing with fire, cautiously, dangled, overhanging branch, whooped like a siren, peered, soggy, rustled.
- Have a full run through of paragraph 1, 2 and 3; with the actions. Ready for Monday.
- Complete the comprehension questions below.
- Send in your work to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk. Remember it doesn't have to go onto the website just send it if you'd like us to see what you have been up to.
Hope you enjoy today's tasks.
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Thursday 4th June
Hi Year 4,
I'm sure you are going to find my actions really fun to add to retelling the storymap today. Take a look and then come up with some of your own for paragraph 3.
Activities ideas:-
- Learn the actions to go with paragraph 1 and 2.
- Make up some actions for paragraph 3, by creating a video, filling in the sheet above or draw some of your own.
- Write a conversation between Tom and Tiree about how it feels on the rope swing. Remember to use speech marks. Maybe Tom could be bragging about how good it feels or Tiree could be asking him questions about it.
- Draw a picture of how you imagine the rope swing looks swinging over the canal with Tom on it.
- We really love seeing your hard work and will always reply to any emails we receive. Send it to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Enjoy your day.
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Wednesday 3rd June
Good Morning Year 4,
I hope your week is going well and you are enjoying The Canal. Here is the next paragraph.
Activity ideas:-
- Have you ever been on a rope swing? What did it feel like?
- Tiree’s heart was thudding. Can you describe how he is feeling inside?
- Should he go on the rope swing?
- Could you list reasons for him to do it or not to do it.
- Draw out your own version of the storymap to help you learn it.
- Email your work to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Have a wonderful day,
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Tuesday 2nd June
Hi Year 4,
Here is the second paragraph of The Canal. There are a few activities you can do below it.
Activity ideas:-
- Sketch, draw or paint a picture of what you think it looks like by the old canal.
- Write down the sounds you may hear by the canal.
- Draw out your own version of the storymap to help you learn it.
- Think of some actions to go along with the story (remember it doesn't need to be every word)
- Email your work in to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Hope you enjoy paragraph 2!
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Monday 1st June
Hi Year 4,
I hope you have had a lovely half term and enjoyed the weather.
I've been videoing again! We are learning a new story called 'The Canal' this term.
I hope you enjoy learning the first paragraph. There are a few activities you can do afterwards to help you learn the story.
Activity ideas:-
- Make a list of reasons 'to go' or 'not to go' to the canal.
Go to the canal | Don't go to the canal |
- Draw out your version of the storymap.
- Think of some actions to go with the story.
- Practice remembering the storymap, this could be by teaching someone else it, even your family or toys!
- Don't forget to send your work to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Hope you enjoy our new storymap.
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team
Friday 22nd May
Happy Friday Year 4!
We hope you’re excited as it is half term next week. We know you have been working hard so hopefully you can have a nice break and enjoy the weather and time with your family.
How are you getting on with your drawings? It takes a bit of practice doesn’t it?! We can see how it is easier to break something into smaller pieces to see all the detail.
Have you added colour yet? Pencil crayons or watercolours might work well.
I have found this really relaxing and it’s interesting to see all the tiny details of the insect.
Here’s some re-capping on classification you could have a look at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zn22pv4/articles/z3nbcwx
and a classification game you can play:
Have a wonderful day Year 4 and a lovely half term. We can’t wait to see you all soon.
Mrs McHardy and the Year 4 team
Thursday 21st May
Good morning year 4, we hope you are having a good week and enjoying the Science.
Have a look at this short film about Levon Biss. Those of you who have visited the Natural History Museum in Oxford before may have seen some of his work:
Why do you think he chose to make his photos of insects so large?
Do you like the pictures?
Scientists have used careful and detailed drawings to better understand living things. Today do you think you could have a go at creating some large scale observational drawings of insects? There are some pictures you can use below of invertebrates (or you can use your own) and some instructions on how to enlarge the images.
You'll need some A4 paper, a pencil and a ruler.
I started to have a go too!
Have a fun day and let us know how you get on!
Mrs McHardy and the Year 4 team
Wednesday 20th May.
Hi everybody,
Watch my video to find out what you could do today to classify and sort living things.
Here are some ideas for acivities:-
- Can you email me to tell me what you think leaves 1-8 are?
- Have a go at answering the sorting diagram below.
- Look in your garden or go for a walk to identify different leaves, blossoms, minibeasts, etc.
- Check the ID charts to see what you have found or look at https://www.discoverthewild.co.uk/post/british-tree-leaves-sheet
- Take photos to remember what they looked like.
- Groups your living things into different categories.
- See if you can make your own flow chart.
Have fun, stay safe and enjoy!
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Tuesday 18th May
Hi everybody,
We are looking at grouping and classifying animals today. Watch my video and then see if you can complete some of the activities.
Activity ideas:-
- Can you tell me 1 - 8 of the animal names on the video?
- Complete both activity sheets.
- Pick two animals from the pictures or your own. Write in full sentences - How are they the same and how are they different?
- Why do we need sorting diagrams? Explain your answer.
- Can you create your own sorting diagram?
I hope you enjoy today's activities. Email any work you'd like to share with us to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Monday 18th May
Hi everybody,
Thank you so much for all the work you have been sending us Year 4. Our class photo page looks fantastic with everything that you have all been doing.
I hope you liked our staff video that we have made. You can find it on our Facebook and Twitter page.
This week we will be phoning you again to find out how you are all getting on. Please let us know anything we can help you with either in our conversation or drop us an email at year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Eggs-periment results.
Take a look at Mrs Hayes' eggs-periment results after 7 days of being in their liquids.
New Science topic - Living things and their Habitats.
Watch today's video
Activity ideas:-
- Watch the classification video on BBC Bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6wwxnb
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team
Friday 15th May
What have you learnt about food chains?
Test your knowledge here: https://www.curriculumbits.com/prodimages/details/physics/food-chains.html
Can you have a go at creating your own food chain? - You can decide on what goes in it! Use the information from yesterday to help you.
What do you need to start with? Then what comes next? You can create your food chain in any way you like – pictures/photos/models etc. Can you label it?
We’d love to some some photos of your work.
Have a lovely day and enjoy your weekend!
Mrs McHardy and the Year 4 team.
Thursday 14th May
Food Chains
So after watching the above video you should have an idea about what we’re looking at today!
There are many different types of food chain. This one shows:
Sun ~ Carrot ~ Rabbit ~ Fox ~ (Mountain) Lion. Some food chains are shorter than this, some are longer.
Have a look at the power-point below which gives you some more information.
Notice the different vocabulary used. What do the words mean?
There’s a video here on Bitesize as well: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zbnnb9q/articles/zwbtxsg
Can you think of any food chains yourself?
Have a go at the worksheet, using the information you’ve read. Let us know how you get on!
Have a good day.
Mrs McHardy and the Year 4 team.
Wednesday 13th May
Hi everybody,
I hope you are enjoying our Science week so far. I have made some careful observations of the eggshells to see what the different drinks are doing to them. Watch the video below to have a look!
Don't worry if you haven't done you own experiment you can record my observations from the video. Here is the observation sheet for you to complete, or you can draw it out on a piece of paper, if you don't have a printer.
Other activities you may like:-
- Write a story of a piece of food travelling through a digestive system.
- Draw a picture of a healthy diet and what food groups it may include.
- Make your own model of a digestive system using junk modelling.
- Remember to send any photos to our email year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team
Tuesday 12th May
Hi everybody,
Well done with all your teeth activities. Today I’d like you to focus on your digestive system. We eat and drink all the time but what happens to it from your mouth as it travels through your body?
- Here is a link to the first video
- https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/dsmovie.html
- There is a digestive system that you can label but you can draw your own if you don't have a printer.
- There is a digestive system activity you can try a home. Sorry parents it's just for fun but it could be a bit messy!
- https://www.youtube.co/watch?v=7av19YhNkhE
- Learn about your bladder too with Dr Chris and Xand.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vT6JxFBktw
Send us some pictures any photos you take or drawings you do any of the above task.
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Monday 11th May
Hi everybody,
I hope you had a wonderful V.E Day and enjoyed your own celebrations. Please send in any photos of the fun you had to year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk.
This week we have a Science theme on Animals including Humans. There is a fantastic lesson I would like you to watch in the Week 4 planning on our Home Learning page and there are worksheets to support it too.
- Can you start your own investigation or write up my experiment using the sheets below?
- Predict the best and worst drink on our tooth enamel.
- Complete the lesson on the Home Learning page.
Have a lovely Monday everyone!
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Thursday 7th May
Good morning Year 4, I hope you are having a good week.
Tomorrow is a special day as it is a bank holiday to celebrate VE (Victory in Europe) Day. This refers to the end of World War Two. Despite what is going on at the moment, there is still plenty that you can do at home to celebrate!
Do you know of anybody in your family who was around in WW2? Perhaps you could do some research.
Maybe you could make some bunting to decorate your house?
You could have a picnic in your garden with your family. You might want to make some food! Here's some ideas for recipes:
There's lots going on to get involved in:
11am: Two minute silence
11:15am: VE Day livestream on the BBC
2:45pm: Winston Churchill's historic speech will be broadcast on BBC1
3pm: ‘Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of WW2’ by standing up and raise a glass of refreshment of choice and undertake the following ‘Toast’ – “To those who gave so much, we thank you”
8pm: Music on the BBC
9pm: Nationwide singalong Vera Lynn 'We'll meet again'
Have a look at this website for more information.
The recording on this page will get you thinking about World War Two:
You can also listen to Winston Churchill’s famous speech on VE day here:
Whatever you do, have fun, and please send us any photos you would like to share of your celebrations!
Have a lovely day, and enjoy the extra long weekend :)
Mrs McHardy and the Year 4 team.
Wednesday 6th May
Hi everyone,
As you have all been doing so much work on Romans these last three weeks, I thought it might be nice to have something different to watch today. It is a story about wildlife in our country noticing the effects of people staying at home during the lockdown.
- Write your own story about an animal or event during lockdown.
- Write a book review. Tell me who is in the story. What happens to Gaspard? What did you like about the story?
- Create a character description about Gaspard. I have attached a profile sheet below to help group some of your details. There is a space in the middle for a drawing.
- Look at some of the other activities or videos on Gaspard the Fox on webpage. There are craft and recipes when you scroll down https://www.gaspardthefox.com/
Hope you enjoy it!
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Tuesday 5th May
Hi everyone,
I hope you have had a good start to the week. It was lovely speaking to some of you yesterday. You should all receive a phone call from one of your children's teachers. If you have any unanswered questions remember to email year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk and we will get back to you in school hours.
Here are the rest of the actions for Roman Women.
Today’s tasks are -
- Write an Introduction and Conclusion to our Roman Emperors text. Maybe you could find out what it meant to be a Roman Emperor, how you became one and what sorts of jobs they had to do.
- Write at least 3-4 sentences for each section so they all have a paragraph.
- Put your text together with the Emperor writing that you did yesterday to see if it makes sense.
- Remember to use some of the language from the Roman Women text to help you.
- Add some pictures to make it look interesting.
- You can type it up if you would like too. I have attached Roman Women as a Word document if you'd like to adapt it.
I look forward to seeing some of your end results and will add them to the Week 3 section on our Photo page. Good luck Year 4!
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Monday 4th May.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for your action videos for the Roman Women story last week. I have tried to pick a few for you copy and learn. If you would like to send any more actions for Fashion, Vestal Virgins and the Conclusion then it’s not too late if you would like to see them tomorrow.
We will phone again this week to see how your are all getting on.
Today’s task is to start writing our own information text about the Romans. It is going to be on Roman Emperors.
- Choose three Emperors to research. This clip might help you https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zsf4dmn
- Find facts and information about them.
- Write at least 3-4 sentences about all three emperors so they have a paragraph each.
- Draw a picture for each one. This could be of the Emperor or something they are famous for doing.
Remember to use some of the language from Roman Women if you can, even start some list with bullets points. Possibly, start some of your sentences with fronted adverbials. Good luck!
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Friday 1st May
Wow, I cannot believe it is the 1st May! We really miss you Year 4. We hope you’ve had a great week.
Today is May Day, an ancient festival of spring which actually dates back to the Roman times with the Roman goddess of flowers ‘Flora’. Do you think you might be able to research this? We’d love to hear if you could find something out about it.
How are you getting on with your actions for the story map?
You might find some of these key words useful for the last two parts:
Part 4 - Vestal, Virgins, temple, fire, 6, day, night, beauty, intelligence, 30 years, freed, powerful, women, marry, children, death.
Part 5 - women, men, equal, improved, over, time, wives, emperor, doctors,
hairdressers, teachers, vegetable sellers, life, tough, Roman, women.
Have a great day, and also a lovely weekend with your family - hopefully the sun will shine :)
Mrs McHardy and the Year 4 team
Thursday 30th April
Good morning Year 4! We have been so happy to see all your hard work this last week and your enthusiasm for our Romans topic. Well done!
We’re enjoying seeing your action ideas to the storymap. Can you have a go at the actions for the rest of the story?
Here are some words which might help you:
Part 2 - marriage, love, husband, men, money, land, sons, bride, tunic, cloak, veil, animal, sacrificed. investigate, gods, approved.
Part 3 - women, tunica, dress, sleeves, belt, wealthy, dyed, purple, slave, shorter, undyed.
Here is a copy of the text we have used for the storymap:
Let us know how you get on and have a great day!
Mrs McHardy and the Year 4 team.
Wednesday 29th April
Hi everyone,
I have managed to film myself recapping the Roman Women text. It was quite hard finding the space in my house to fit it in. Remember you can start and stop me if I am going too fast or play it back through again as many times as you like. See if I've made any mistakes!
Task 1 - Do you think you can answer some questions about Roman Women in the Comprehension task today? If you don’t have a printer, don’t worry you can just read the questions and answer the questions on a piece of paper. Let us know how many you got correct out of 18.
Task 2 – Could you send me some actions for the Roman Women text so that next week we can try to learn it with actions. You could film yourself doing it or write down your actions for me to try. Remember it doesn’t need to be every word just the important ones. For example – Part 1 words may be – Roman, women, little, freedom, rich, poor, worked/jobs, no vote, own, land.
I can’t wait to film some of your action ideas!
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Tuesday 28th April.
Hello everyone,
I hope you enjoyed the video yesterday. This is the last one on our Roman Women text today.
It’s been great to hear back from so many families and to be able to add all of your work to our class pages and the Writer’s Gallery. There is a character description to look at this week on the Weekly Writing page - https://www.chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk/weekly-writing/
Tomorrow, I will go through all 5 parts, so if you have drawn out all of your story maps we will be able to read them through together.
Remember you can watch them through as many times as you want to help learn it.
Part 5 / Conclusion activities
- Draw out your final storymap and try to teach it to someone else.
- Can you find out the names and facts about any Roman Emperors?
- Recap all of your storymaps to see if you remember the words.
Have a great Tuesday. Can't wait to see how you get on!
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Monday 27th April
I hope you have had a lovely weekend. I have recorded the next part of the Roman Women text and would love you to take a look.
Here's some ideas for this section of text.
- Draw your own storymap for Part 4.
- Write a list of facts about the Vestal Virgins that you heard in the video clip.
- Can you draw a picture of what it would be like to be a Vestal Virgin looking after the sacred flame?
Keep up the fantastic work Year 4.
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Friday 24th April 2020
Happy Friday Year 4! Hope you've had a good week and are enjoying your learning! Have a look back at the story mapping so far and check that you have drawn and learnt the 3 sections (Introduction, Marriage and Fashion) on Roman Women, so that we are ready for next week.
How are you doing with your times tables? Can you remember the Supermovers? Have a go at these again!
Which one's your favourite?
Hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine. Keep smiling :)
Mrs McHardy and the Year 4 team
Thursday 23rd April
Hello Year 4! How are you getting on with our new topic? Aren't Mrs Hayes' videos great?
Today’s section is about Fashion.
- Could you find out about the fashion that men wore during roman times for both rich and poor? Make some notes or copy and paste some pictures into Word.
- I’m not sure what men and women wore on their feet. Can you draw or make a pair of roman shoes?
- Could you dress up as a roman man or woman?
Have a lovely day,
Mrs McHardy and the Year 4 team
Wednesday 22nd April
Hi everyone,
I hope that you are enjoying the start of our Romans topic. I have got another section of our Roman Women text to share with you today. I have also set a few activities to do about it below.
- Draw a picture of a Roman wedding.
- Try to find out some more information about Roman weddings and make notes.
- Find out what a Roman husband wore to his wedding.
- Can you learn this section of the non-fiction text? Try drawing it out and teaching someone else.
Don't forget to send you work in to the Year 4 email year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk and see some of your work on our webpage.
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team
Tuesday 21st April
Hi Year 4,
I hope you are enjoying your new topic on The Romans. How did you get on with the BBC bitesize website?
I've been having fun on youtube again! Watch the video and then complete the tasks below.
- Draw out you own version of the storymap.
- Think of some actions to go along with the storymap.
- Look up any words that you don't understand, e.g. ancient, etc.
- Practice remembering the storymap this could be by teaching someone else it, even your toys!
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Monday 20th April
Hi Year 4,
We hope you had a lovely Easter break. Today is a very exciting day! We will be posting some new lesson ideas for Maths, English and our new topic on ‘The Romans’. These will be on our 'Home Learning Fun' page, so take a look. https://www.chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk/home-school-learning/
We will also be updating this page daily with things to try at home. BBC Bitesize are launching some live home-schooling lessons. Here is a link to get you there:-
Please expect a phonecall from one of your children's teachers every two weeks just to say hello and see how you are. If you have any questions please email our Year 4 address. It's year4@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Have a great learning day Year 4!
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
To our Chalgrove family...
P.S: This video was taken before social distancing, don't worry!
Friday 3rd April
Thursday 2nd April
Good morning Year 4! I am in school today and it feels rather quiet. I had a beautiful start to the day walking my dog in the sunshine. It was so still and peaceful, just the sound of birds singing. If you go out for a walk today, what can you notice? Or if you're in your gardens, what can you see and hear? I like the feeling of the sun on my face! Let us know what you're up to. I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy whatever you're doing.
Mrs McHardy and the Y4 team
Wednesday 1st April
Happy April Fool's Day. Make a wish and I hope it comes true! I can't wait to see if you tricked anyone. Make sure you email and tell me what you did!
I hope you liked my poem. I will try and find something else to read next week. If you've got an suggestions then email office.2452@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
Art ideas - This week I've heard you can display Sunshine's. I hope they make you feel happy even if the sun isn't shining.
Mrs Hayes and the Year 4 team.
Tuesday 31st March.
Morning Year 4,
Well today is the last day in March. Tomorrow is 1st April - April Fools day. I wonder if you can play any tricks on people in your house? Can you think of anything that could work? Make it fun and try to see if you can make people laugh with your trick. Like cutting out a spider from black paper and scaring someone. It's just like 'Elf on the Shelf'. Take a photo if you can and send it to office.2452@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk
I have heard that some of you have been doing so well with your Maths works you need some more to look at. There is a great website with White Rose resources. Take a look at https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/
Monday 30th March
Hi Year 4,
Thank you so much to everyone that has sent in photos, they have really made us smile. The school email is office.2452@chalgrove.oxon.sch.uk if you would like to share any photos or work with the class. It's so lovely to see all your faces.
We hope you have had some family time. Over the weekend, we played with some google animals. If you type an animal into Google (on a phone - iphone or android) and then press 'View in 3D'. It brings it up on the camera and then 30 seconds later you can have a pug or alligator in your house! Send in some photos to put on our 'Class Photo' page!
Some of the other animals you can search are:-
Lion, Tiger, Cheetah, Shark, Hedgehog, Duck, Emperor penguin, Wolf, Angler fish, Goat, Rottweiler, Snakes, Eagle, Brown bear, Horse, Shetland pony, Macaw, Turtle, Cat, Octopus, Dog, Golden Retriever.